Hi there! I’m Deependra Chaudhary ( दीपेन्द्र चौधरी ) and this is my blog. I live in Lalitpur, Nepal. I’m currently pursuing BSc. CSIT from Tribhuwan University.
I enjoy exploring and creating new trends on the WEB.
I also love to watch/play football, go trekking and take photos! Pretty low-tech, but hey we all have different sides to our personalities…. huh?
Using this blog, I’ll try to Provide interesting, original and useful articles and post in many areas of technology – information you can use about Web, Films, posts related to Nepal and more….!
I’m always interested in hearing from you, whether it be a suggestion, complaint, comment, question, discussion, or just to say Hi….!
So connect with me in facebook/twitter, take a look at the services I provide, contact me at deep4454@deependrac.com.np or here and keep visiting my website…!